Friday 18 January 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, okay, I know it's been a month since I last posted anything on this journal, and that the blog now lags not only half a continent, but half a world behind my actual location. To regular readers I apologise for this unforgivably long fast in my already rather bulimic writing pattern.

There's just been so much going on! I kept travelling to the very last hours of my time in the USA, looping back around the southern half of the country, then cruising to the Bahamas and even flying to Panama for a few days. Then once I managed to get back to Fresno, I squeezed in quick trips to Las Vegas and San Francisco in the week before I headed back to Sydney. I also managed to squeeze in a cracking good farewell party (big hugs to everyone who came).

For the last seven days I've been back in Sydney, trying to assemble my life before I go back to work in just a few more, despite suffering from the curiously symmetrical sibling flu to the one that afflicted me when I first arrived in Fresno. Marcus and I were both flattened by it in San Francisco and have been collapsed under its considerable weight ever since.

Now that I can almost breathe through my nose again I have had time to reflect on the past year. It's been quite an adventure, and difficult enough to live through, let alone catalogue faithfully. Nevertheless, do not fear that you will not have the opportunity to "share" my adventure through the world wide whinge. I kept a small paper journal with me throughout my travels and noted many and varied blogworthy stories for your interest and amusement. It is still my intention to chronicle the entire epic saga, even if only so that I might look back over it for the occasional nostalgic stroll down amnesia lane. Bear with me just a little longer, I promise to pick up the road trip trail right where I left off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh yes, continue the travelogue when you can because I assure you amnesia lane gets wider with every passing year. Thanks for this update, sending you a hug in lieu of chicken soup for the sniffles, and sincerely hoping your co-workers will react with understanding when you compulsively photograph their every move for the first couple weeks back on the job. Thanks for including us as part of your grand adventure. Yknow, a smart girl told me a long time ago, "Enjoy the ride". Now I understand she practices what she preaches. XOXO