I Kissed the Blarney Stone
Naturally, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit Blarney Castle and kiss the mythical Blarney Stone, the stone of eloquence. Legend has it that those who kiss the stone will never again be lost for words.
The castle itself is quite imposing. It was built nearly 600 years ago and has been the site of much attention, both literary and military.
Just to give you a sense of perspective, the stone really is very high up. Traditionally, those who wanted to kiss the stone had quite an ordeal to go through. They had to be dangled over the ramparts by their feet in order to reach the stone. These days there have been modifications made to allow us to kiss the stone safely, from inside the battlements.
A little man with a mat and a thick accent held onto my ribs as I lowered myself down for the kiss. I have to say I didn't actually feel any more eloquent at that moment.
Although I did feel a few poetic urges when I paused to admire the view from the top of the castle.

It seems Blarney brings out the entrepreneurial spirit as well as the silver tongue. This young man certainly found a good use for the wishing bridge on the grounds. It's his own personal piggy bank, although he didn't waste his energy bending down for the small change.
Blarney Castle has its mysteries as well as its legends. A network of tunnels under the castle tempt adventurers. Their original purpose is unknown, but they are extensive, damp, slimy and very, very dark. With only bursts of light from my camera flash for guidance Marcus and I headed in.
Doubled over in the darkness we splashed through unseen puddles and brushed up against nasty, slippery rocks.
When we finally reached the end of the tunnel we discovered that we were not the first ones to make it this far.
Disappointed and covered in green goo we stumbled back out into the light and tried to wash ourselves off in the stream. I wasn't exactly lost for words, but I wasn't feeling particularly eloquent either.
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