Friday 2 February 2007

"Workaholic" is Only a Word

Like all travellers, I feel somehow compelled to produce endless photographs of myself with my arm around people that you don’t know and don’t care about. But hey, it’s my blog and I can be as self-absorbed as I like. These two charming Fresnans are distinguished by both being Brazilian, and by working harder than almost anyone I know – including me.

This is Jorge (in my mind forever “Gorgeous Jorge”). He’s the sweetest, most adorable bartender who has ever moved heaven and earth to satisfy a whim for midnight chocolate mousse. He works incredibly long hours, seven days a week, charms all the customers and still finds enough hours in the gym to maintain a body befitting a pagan fertility god. One flash of Jorge’s 28 pack abdomen would guarantee a fruitful harvest for any village. With his gentle and generous temperament, his Herculean work ethic, his magnificent physique and his sexy Brazilian accent Jorge might just be the perfect man. Sigh.

Then there's Vera. She’s a waitress in Samba, the same Brazilian nightspot / restaurant where Jorge runs the bar. Just like Jorge, she doesn’t waste her scarce leisure time on anything as frivolous as leisure. Instead she cleans people’s houses, including ours. She was the second Fresnan I met when I arrived here and is as delightful as she is hard working.

I think there’s a lesson here for all of us, and an answer to those of you who question the way I load up my days and nights. It’s all a matter of perspective. You might call me a crazy workaholic, but in the company of these two charming young people I’m merely demonstrating a natural, even average, level of enthusiasm. I have found my people!

I’m now considering moving to Brazil with Jorge and Vera to start a commune for the inherently industrious. Interested overachievers may submit applications, including a resume of not less than 12 pages.

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