Sunday 29 July 2007

Cobh Cathedral

Not all the glory of Ireland is in the past. On one of the rainiest and most miserable days of our trip, we visited the soggy island of Cobh on the south of the country. As cold and dark and miserable as it was outside, the interior of Cobh Cathdral made it easy to forget about the outside world.

The intricate detail of the sculptured interior is incredible to behold in person and impossible to appreciate in a photograph. You can make out the pointed Gothic arches below, but the detail within in each arch cries out for closer examination.

If we would just put half as much effort into being nice to each other as we do into building such incredible places of worship the world would be a very different place.

It's a shame the day outside was so dark and dreary. This room must look incredible with strong sunlight pouring in through all that stained glass.

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