Friday 2 February 2007

The America Bar

The centre of the ship on our cruise was always in the America Bar with Tim and the gang.

One of the highlights for me was the "Name That Tune" competition which I won for the second time, this time with a record-breaking score of 23 out of 20. Thus proving either that I hadn't really needed Lance the first time, or that at least that I have a good memory. Tim handed me my little plastic piece of ship and said "What's your name little girl?"

I laughed and said "It's Heather."

"Hester!" He said into the microphone. "Congratulations Hester, the winner of Name That Tune."

One of the features of Tim's bar is that everyone starts to feel like it's really their bar. So at any given moment when you look up, you can't be too sure who will be performing. Here Marc shares with Tim and the rest of the audience, his slightly off-key and profoundly off-colour version of Blue Bayou.

A special guest pianist from the audience joins Tim for a jam session.

Same jam, different configuration.

The next time I looked up Tim had disappeared altogether and Marc was doing guest vocals with the guest pianist.

Thanks again Tim for being such a great host and making sure that we all had a good time in the America Bar. We wrote nice things about you on our customer feedback forms, but it never hurts to put these sentiments out into cyberspace. We think you're great, and we hope you'll make it to the reunion cruise as a guest so you can hang out with us full-time.

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