Matt Tonks
On Thursday night I went to see Matt Tonks perform in a pub (bar) near my workplace. There is a lot of good music in Sydney, and a number of good singer/songwriters, but I have a particular soft spot for Matt.

Once upon a time, for a long time, part of my job involved booking musicians to perform at a TAFE College. With apologies to all the other fine and talented folks who played for us, Matt was always my favourite. I lost track of him for a while after I left the college, but we vaguely kept up on each other's news through mutual acquaintances. One day I googled him to see what he was up to, found his website and resumed communication.

While I wasn't looking Matt has deservedly outclassed his days on my campus. He was always too good for us really. He's been off winning music awards, recording albums and generally being a proper grown-up musician.
You can hear some of Matt's music on his website, or myspace page. It's an interesting mix of straight folk-rock and some more avante-guard stuff with unusual time signatures. On stage, he makes live recordings through the mike in his guitar of the instruments, and his voice, then loops them to build a really rich, full sound. It's fascinating to see and hear the construction of the song.

Matt has also partnered up with Syd Green who plays drums and slide guitar on stage, and apparently has innumerable additional musical skills. I don't know Syd very well, we've only met a couple of times at gigs, but he makes a powerful impression and I already like him. I try not to pollute my blog with hyperbole, but Syd strikes me as a man with a beautiful soul. I don't think I've ever seen a drummer who is more generously attuned to his front man. He is riveting to watch and periodically breaks out into a broad, spontaneous smile. I'm glad to have met him.

I offered to photoshop out the sweat from this photograph but Matt, with typical self-deprecation, declined the cosmetic enhancement. He said "Just say we're a hard-working band."
They are.

I encourage all Sydney based readers to pick up the album Synaesthesia and watch the website. Get along to a gig sometime very soon. Members of my international audience who would like to hear more of Matt's music can request that I bring them copies of his album when I am next on your continent. Alternatively those based in the US can pick up the album on
I really enjoy what I have heard of Matt's music. He can also be found on Myspace:
I'll probably be ordering a copy of Synaesthesia. Will report back on my experience.
Synaesthesia is a great album. I particularly like "Lover Don't Leave", "Plugging Holes with Water", and "Notion", but there isn't a bad song on the disc.
You can buy it here on CDUniverse. They got the CD to me promptly and in one piece.
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