How to see Yosemite
There are as many ways to see Yosemite National Park as there are people who visit it. Some people drive cars, others hike, some ride bicycles.

This guy is the only one I saw attempting to skateboard Yosemite. He was also a very good sport about giving permission for me use his pic on the blog. Thanks dude.

Some people prefer to just watch.
While others like to get their feet wet.
I confess I found it very difficult to keep to the paths. I was forever clambering over the barriers and crawling out on the ledge to get a better photo. Parents covered the eyes of their children and tutted audibly as I vaulted over walls and slithered around the rocky outcroppings getting covered in dust. My behaviour became such a standing joke that Ant Candy was overjoyed to point out "Heather's sign."

The level of hilarity this occasioned was unwarranted. I strictly obeyed the sign in that particular garden, even if in few other places.
Here I am "going all Tom Sawyer" as Patricia put it. I was communing with nature. I was also freezing my feet off. As Ant Candy can verify, the water is really cold.

But the views are worth it.

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