Belfast, Northern Ireland
In Belfast we did a whirlwind walking tour in one action packed hour. Armed with a tourist map, a camera, and a stopwatch we hit the highlights in what may well be some kind of record.

Belfast Grand Opera House - weird architectural fusion of heritage and modern (on the right). It's slightly mind bending on a quick sprint past, although it may improve with time for contemplation.
This is The Spires. It's a shopping centre. Just another mundane, functional building in Belfast. Where are all the ugly buildings in this country?
City Hall. Centre of local politics and pomposity, architectural and otherwise.
Front door of city hall. I didn't go in. I couldn't find the servant's entrance.
Oh no, tour time running out!
Customs House. Suddenly felt nostalgic for the Rocks. Sydney, I miss you today. I miss lunch in the Customs House restaurant on Circular Quay. Be warned Sydneysiders. There will be some serious lunching upon my return.
Thanksgiving Square and the Goddess of Peace. I'm not sure what they're giving thanks for, and it doesn't seem like the Goddess has done them a lot of favours in the past. I guess they're hoping a bit of idolatry will win favour. I am a little concerned that neither God (Catholic or Protestant) will be very happy about this violation of his favourite commandment. They might get lasting peace just in time for a plague, or a famine, or a flood, courtesy of their jealous God.
I just hope the vengeful God has a clearer idea of geography that the sculptor of the Goddess. If not, he could end up blasting the wrong Continent entirely. Check out Australia. Something weird has happened to its shape, but even more distressing, while Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth are, approximately, marked, Sydney has apparently ceased to exist entirely in the brave new world. I may never lunch at Customs House again!
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