Glacier National Park - critters and stuff
Glacier National Park, perhaps unsurprisingly, is full of interesting nature stuff. It has a wide variety of critters, some friendly and many not remotely friendly.
This is my first ever honest to goodness glacier. For the benefit of North American readers, we don't have anything like this in Australia. We barely have ice trays in our freezers. For Australian readers, check out the Wikipedia definition of a glacier, as well as the awesome photograph of a Swiss glacier.

There are mountain goats living in the mountains. You can recognise these by the gaggle of tourists with cameras shouting "Look Molly, goats!"
I have come to the conclusion that all ground squirrels are total posers. I also want to pat another one, even though I know you're not supposed to.
If I saw a hole like this in Australia, I would think "snake" and run away. In Glacier National Park I think "ground squirrel" and reach for my camera. It's a different world.
I once saw an adorable small furry animal frolicking near a glacier in Norway, and I was enchanted by its furry frolicsome adorableness. So much so that I lost my footing, fell over and got half-soaked in a glacial stream. It was cold.
Stoopid adorable furry animals.
Some are more stupid than others. See "Disaster" post.
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