Iowa - the most amazing gift
My visit to Des Moines, Iowa was one of the highlights of my driving tour across the United States of America. Whenever people ask me about my favourite places, it is always one of the first I mention. To the new, good friends I met there, I offer thanks and a standing invitation to visit me in Sydney so that I can return some measure of that generous hospitality.
The final amazing gift in a series of amazing gifts was a fabulous, hand-made, hand-painted box decorated with words and images from my journey so far. I knew that Debbie and Sara both work for Sticks. I didn't know that they had prepared this delightful surprise long before I arrived in Des Moines. Debbie interrogated my blog for the ideas that decorate the box, and Sara painted them by hand.
Check it out.

That's me on the inside of the lid, trundling along into the sunset in my Cream Puff. The side panel below references the H.M.A.S. Cream Puff again, shows the famous butter cow of the Iowa State Fair, and a symbol of my trip to Ireland.
The top of the box is loaded with symbolism. There is the long road leading through the rolling agricultural fields of the Midwest, past the red rock of Sedona on the left, and the covered bridge of Madison County on the right.
I think of this side as the Cruise Panel. The mini-golf, sombrero, music and a cruise ship are all symbols of the Cruise (or two) I took in January this year. Only someone who has seriously studied my blog would know me well enough to put the words "Everybody lies" on my souvenir box. Way to go Debbie!
Then there was A.C. Myles playing the blues at the Dirty Olive in Fresno, Route 66 for the drive back from Arizona and another great Iowan symbol, the ear of corn. Plus, of course, the lead into the next panel to "Feed the Squirrels."
Which I absolutely did not do in the Grand Canyon National Park, by the way. Then there was the boot psychic in Wimberley and my visit to Denton, Texas.
Finally, on the underside of the box, my personal motto: "Anxiety is the price tag for planning."
I have counted Deb among my nearest and dearest for many years. I was also appropriately impressed with her delightful daughter Sara, plus the gorgeous and lots of fun Lindsay, so I knew Heather would bond and enjoy the experience.
It is the measure of the people that they went to such lengths to enhance that experience. If the Williams family (and friends) of des Moines were in charge of international relations the world would be a much improved place.
Thank you to great friends and great ambassadors for your hospitality. It was marvelous to catch up again after too many years, even if we couldn't get a story to top the mammogram of Debbie's cousin Sherylyn from my last visit.
Right backatcha, dear ones. Your visit was great fun for all of us.
I hope our paths cross again soon, we have so much more to show you!!! Are you sure you can't make it back for RAGBRAI next year, Heather??? 10,000 bikers and Lance Armstrong can't be wrong......
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