Sunday 21 October 2007

Celebrating 250 posts!

Congratulations to me and welcome to the 250th post on my seemingly endless blog!

That's 250 posts in the 309 days since I started publishing last December. Not quite as regular as Old Faithful perhaps, but a pretty good effort nevertheless. That's 250 times that I have taken a break from actually having adventures, to sit down and attempt to describe them.

Blogging can be a lonely business and sometimes even my colossal love of my own stories isn't enough to keep my energy reserves up. So if you've been enjoying the blog, this anniversary post is your chance to give something back. Make some noise people, so I know you're out there.

If you're a friend of mine from somewhere in the world who uses this blog to see what I'm up to, then go ahead and post a "Keep up the good work" comment. This blog is one of the reasons I never email you anymore, so please let me know that you're reading it and will remember who I am whenever I get back to wherever you are.

If you're one of the mystery readers out there from places I haven't even been yet, then please, post a comment saying hello. I would love to hear from you, especially since you've already endured hearing so much from me.

If you're so shy that you can't bring yourself to post on a semi-public forum, just remember that we're all friends here. Well, except Robyn and Marcus who are my two most enthusiastic commenters and yet, although they live on different continents and have never met, seem to be having a low key flame war in comments on both my blog and hers. I just want you guys to love each other!

Congratulations and special thanks to those among you who have struggled through all 250 posts. What a dedicated and exclusive group of people that is. Perhaps we should have some T-shirts printed? We could devise a secret handshake. Or, if that all sounds too hard, you could just post a comment that you've survived all 250 posts and are all psyched up for the next 250.


Unknown said...

Heather, I'm thinking since t-shirts fade and handshakes spread germs, maybe you should invite everyone that reads your blog to meet you somewhere and we'll have a dedicated and exclusive readers party, sounds like just the ticket to remove the lonely from your business. Mystery readers love parties!

Heather Hukins said...

Hi Debbie, thanks for the comment. I think a 250 club party is just the ticket, although I'm a little concerned by the implication that the people who read my blog might have some kind of communicable disease.

rswb said...

What blatant grovelling for comments. I wasn't going to, but then I felt weirdly obliged.

Incidentally, I do have a communicable disease*! I am in bed now trying to recover from it, and no doubt inadvertently communicating it to Reto (although he gave it tome first, so my sympathy is minimal. He is very sweet about making me cups of tea though).

* Just a cold, not too exciting.

Heather Hukins said...

Blatant, perhaps, but what choice do I have? My devoted readers are almost all serial lurkers. Thank you for the comment, but did you really have to be quite so grudging about it? When one of my very few regular commenters sounds so unenthused, what kind of encouragement is that for potential commenters?

rswb said...

Maybe potential commenters will be encouraged by the generally narky, poor quality and rambling nature of my comments, thinking "surely anyone could write a better comment than that". And then they will.

Heather Hukins said...

*crosses fingers, legs, arms and eyes in hope*

Marcus Williams said...

Congratulations to Heather on 250 posts!
Heather puts a lot into photo editing and writing for the blog. If you like what you see, get out there and comment! Alternately, you are welcome to comment if you think that the blog is total dreck. You can even post recipes for chicken wings.

chris condron said...

so what do you get when you combine communicable deases, a party, serial lurkers, and crossed anatomys?.....a jail with no health care system who loves to party.....oh well there3 hoes my fragile attempt at humour. keep the writing happening so us serial lurkers can keep pearing into you ever expanding life:)

chris condron said...

so what do you get when you combine communicable deases, a party, serial lurkers, and crossed anatomys?.....a jail with no health care system who loves to party.....oh well there3 hoes my fragile attempt at humour. keep the writing happening so us serial lurkers can keep pearing into you ever expanding life:)