Tuesday 23 October 2007

Colorado - Boulder

I’ve always wanted to go to Boulder, Colorado. That may sound like an odd ambition for an Australian, but less so for an Australian psych graduate. The Boulder Conference on Graduate Education in Clinical Psychology of 1949, and the Scientist-Practitioner model that it launched, had an enormous influence on my psych education and thus, on my whole world view. I have always harboured a desire to visit this place where decisions were made about the shape of my mind long before I had a mind to shape.

I spent some time hanging out in the Boulder Historical District, which is all leafy streets and curious characters. There were a lot of people who looked like college students or struggling artists, riding bicycles, showing tattoos, and making a single cup of coffee in a café last for hours.

There were plenty of beautifully restored historic buildings to look at.

My traditional leisurely stroll was unusually rewarding today, because the Boulder Historical District has some seriously quirky architecture to admire. I think I could live here. I could rent a room in one of these funny old historical buildings, get a tattoo and a bicycle and make one drink last all day while I write a great novel and paint bad landscapes.

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