Saturday 18 August 2007

East Yellowstone and Montana

My visit to Yellowstone was just a quick drive through. I plan to make a more thorough job of it on my way south from picking up the Cream Puff in Missoula. Even though it was just a drive-by, I still managed to see some fairly impressive stuff. Check out these rock formations along the side of the road.

I also drove for a while behind one of the most adventurous fellow travellers I have encountered so far. I have seen a lot of giant RVs towing SUVs behind them. This guy took it one step further. He had the big RV. He had the SUV at the back. He also had a tinny boat hanging precariously out the back of the SUV. I was impressed, but I also didn't drive too closely behind him.

The rest of the drive through Wyoming varied from arid desert to irrigated agriculture. There are always mountains around. The horizon is always hidden behind something else.

I passed through Cody, Wyoming, which bills itself as the Rodeo Capitol of the World. It certainly has a big rodeo stadium for its nightly events. The most startling indication of the Cody culture came about a mile past the turnoff to the shooting complex when I passed the first right to life billboard. It was the first of many right to life billboards that I passed across the mid-west. Perhaps strangely, the pro-choice lobby doesn't seem to be in the billboard business. I was baffled by this imbalance in the posters of reproductive politics until someone suggested that the pro-life lobby might be literally burning down competing messages.

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