Thursday 16 August 2007

My own private Idaho

Remember I promised that at some point I would post pics from Idaho? Well, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. Puff Lite and I ventured through Idaho again on our way to Jackson Hole and the sadly Bambi-postponed experience of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks.

Idaho was just as I remembered it: mostly yellow.

Heavy irrigation has generated some green bits.

They use red and grey bits to move the green bits across the yellow bits.

Idaho also has the dubious honour of being the first state that seems inclined to frighten away tourists. As I approached the Wyoming border and the twin National Parks that draw millions of visitors every year, I passed an enormous, official looking billboard. It reads: "Warning to Tourists: Do not laugh at the locals." It also has bullet holes in it.

I tried not to be discouraged. I also tried not to make eye contact with anyone until I crossed the border.

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