Wednesday 1 August 2007

End of the world

As the daylight faded we had become slightly disoriented by the unrelenting gorgeousness of everything and decided, on a whim, to drive along a tiny road that appeared to lead into the ocean. It did. The unsealed road wound slowly along between two close stone walls until it terminated, suddenly and with only the tiniest space to turn the bus (7 seater monster) around again.

We proceeded on foot, past a couple of lobster traps sitting in the paddocks, to the end of the world.

The ground was marshy peat, an excellent test for the waterproofing of our boots. AAA rating for Vasque hiking boots. Our jeans were wet to the knees and covered in freezing bog slime, but our toes stayed warm and dry.

We watched the sun go down over the islands and solemnly pronounced this to have been the perfect day.

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